Published On: October 18, 2018255 words1.3 min read

    There can be so many reasons why a haircut is all wrong, nails are not as desired and the body treatment didn’t meet your expectations. But the main reasons beauty treatments go wrong is because of the lack of a proper and thorough consultation.

    A consultation is imperative for us, as beauty professionals, to explain what we recommend, set your expectations for what can really happen, discuss what contradictions my lie afoot—based upon your health that will not allow for certain results. And the list goes on. In this age of instant, nanosecond and on-demand I-want-what-I-want, regardless (again, until something major goes awry), we miss the ever important take-your-time to discuss your preferences versus a beauty professional’s services that can easily foil all misunderstandings.

     Sometimes a few pictures and 15 minutes of dialogue can give you what you need to see if this beauty pro has the skill set, professionalism and personality gel to help you achieve your goal.

     So next time you love someone’s pictures on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or you spy a lady shopping in Macy’s, sporting the look you want—investigate. Book a consultation with your newfound beauty pro to be sure you both are speaking the same language.

     A lot of times you’ll find the welcomed surprise of consults being free or if there’s a fee, paid, it will go toward your service, if booked.

Happy Booking,


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